Curie Turns Nine Months!

Curie turns nine months! This month Curie began clapping, started waving, and ate meat for the first time. She is very vocal, opinionated, and has started saying dada and mama. “Nyeh, nyeh” means mommy or milk. . She went to her first merry go round, spray park, boat ride, and pool (Albert put her face in the water). She loves the swing at the park and the soft room when Albert plays racquetball. Her hair is long enough for a little pony tail at the nape of her neck. She had her first cut at daycare, had thrush, eczema on her back, and diaper rash. She can be moody and needy but is generally good natured and happy.

Erin’s Texas trip worked out fine, we bought two iPads, and by the end, Curie could recognize Erin on the video. Albert let her gum corn (she loves seeing what we eat). She loves exploring and playing with anything that is lying around. She hates her crib and the playpen and the ultimate fighting ring. She also can climb out of her Bumbo now. She loves being held and running around the furniture. It seems like she will walk and talk any day now. She laughs and giggles and hates to go to sleep. With everything, very little is as precious as when she holds out her hands to you, and still, very little is as precious as letting her sleep on your shoulder when she is tired out.