Curie Turns Ten Months!

Curie turns ten months! This month Curie has started clapping at everything – when she is happy, she claps, when she is getting your attention – she claps, when she is bored – she claps. It is very cute, one of my favorite pictures in the collage is her clapping. Curie waves at people now, and has learned to climb off of the couch – which if you think about it is amazing: the couch comes up to her chin, she turns around and shimmies back first. She can also climb up the couch if she has a foot hold. She went swimming at the hotel, Albert dunked her three times, has taken advantage of all the stays away from home by boycotting the crib and the playpen entirely, and has decided that she is going to feed herself and must hold her food. She eats cheese sticks, strawberries, Cherrios, meatloaf and anything else from the table. She will look longingly at whatever we are eating instead of what is in front of her.

Time really has gone by fast, we almost forgot to take a family picture. This month we had our air conditioner fail, we stayed at a hotel. There was a crazy storm that knocked out power in the “Tristate State Area! (courtesy of Doofenshmirtz)” where we lost power for five days in a crazy heat wave which meant two hotel stays and a stay at the Hoaglands. The Fourth of July was on a Wednesday, which was inconvenient (they should just make it Independence day and give us the Monday off), though it did break up the week. Curie got sick for more than a week this month, had a very bad case of eczema in both cases we went to the pediatrician and asked my sister for advice. Curie and Albert still have coughs, but they are getting better. In pigtails or ponytails, in overalls or onesies, in dresses or pants, she is still a peanut and very, very cute. No first words or teeth or walking yet, but in due time – in fact, we don’t mind if she takes a while, this stage is a great stage and part of us doesn’t want her to grow up so fast.