An Unnamed Musing

September 22, 2023

I miss falling in love.

I miss that first moment of meeting and not being able to look away.
That first stare, the furtive stolen glances, the secret looks,
Locking eyes…

I miss the glow of being wanted, being cared about, and being pursued.
I miss the wanting and then the miracle of having,
I miss falling in love,

I miss that moment of caring about nothing else but being together.
That first touch, the brush of your hand, the grasp of your fingers
Holding hands…

I miss the ache of wanting, the fulfillment of “together”, the time with one another
The warmth of you, the touch of you, the comfort of you,
I miss falling in love.

I miss not being worried, not being distracted, nor living a transactional life,
Being so assured and all-knowing, so righteous, and believing, being in our bubble,
Holding off reality…

The moment before the end of the words “ever after”… when reality takes hold
And realizing that the joy is in the reality, the partnership, and… the pain,
Embracing the complexity…

Understanding that love is work, love is suffering, love is hard-won and worth the heartache,
That the hurt and the tears and the unmitigated depth lend rise to the joy of living…
The joy of loving…

But falling in love is unfettered. Falling in love is unspoiled, unsullied, and untarnished.
Falling in love is unadulterated joy… one of our only chances in this life at Fantasy,
I miss it all…

I miss falling in love.