Book III: Legends

            Coming from  the province  of Fuchien  in China, Ichijoe Saburo’s room had a distinct Chinese flair.  The structure of his quarters was basically Japanese, but the decor and  flair were distinctly from Chinese culture.  Saburo, a nobleman  by right, was a  hereditary retainer to  the Damiyo, or  lord of the castle by right.  The warrior class looked down upon  the nobility as pompus  and ineffective.  The  real power lay  in the military of Japan, their heretige, the samurai.  However, in  the  castle,  cloistered  away  from the realities of the world, the  nobility were  highly repected  and honored.  The nobility was often soft, even effeminate, however, Saburo did not mind what others thought of him by day, because by night, he shed his foppish  garb and took arms  in hand as a  Shadow Warrior.  These, the  Iga clan, had  also by heretige  always protected the Damiyo from  harm.  Also known as  ninja, these warriors were hated  and feared as  assasins and spies.            The Iga of Otsu valley however, were different.  They adhered  to the  strict  codes  of  samurai  honor called Bushido.  These particular ninja,  the Shadow  Warriors, or  Kage noh Gundan, were the Emperor’s elite guard and answered only to him.

            It was such an order that now confronted him.  According to intellligence reports, a  number of the Damiyo’s  generals were conspiring to overthrow  his lordship.  The head  of the castle  wanted  these  men, and  wanted  them  dead. His assignment as the leader of  the Kage noh Gundan was  to seek out  these  men  and  kill  them.   The  idea of assasination disturbed Saburo,  but under  Bushido, it  was his  giri, his duty  to  his  lord  to  obey.   With  this recently obtained mandate, Saburo  gazed across  the tatami  mats to  the black laquered box on the mantle.From this, he drew the  messagegiven to him not  more than an hour  ago.  The ink was  still damp and the command branded an impression in his mind.

            As dusk  fell, Saburo  swiftly donned  a black  cowl and hakama, a loose fitting garb that permitted maximum movement. Tucking his swords  into this costume,  he became the  Shadow Warrior,  the  semi-legendary  folk  hero  thought  to  be an immortal  protector  of  the  people.   Actually,  the Shadow Warriors were a  group of elite  royal guard of  which Saburo was the leader.  He prided himself upon the fact that he  had never been beaten in battle.

            Swiftly reporting to the Damiyo, the ninja leapt to  the base of the palace walls.  A sharp clink of steel struck  the parapets and the sharp talons of a grappling hook grasped the stones  firmly.   The  rope  grew  taut and soon the Saburo’s falcon-like  eyes  could  be  seen  peeking over the wall.  A guard, armed with a lance, spied the assasin and attacked.  A blade flashed and the hooded entity swiftly ended the guard’s life  before  the  alarm   could  be  sounded.   The   shadow effortlessly slid down the corridor silent and confident.

            A maid  bearing tea  felt a  sharp breeze  as she walked through the enclosed hall and tripped.  Looking to her  feet, she saw  a tag  of black  cloth near  her straw sandals.  The breeze faded quickly and the maid turned sharply around.  The shoji door behind her was closed.  The hall was empty.

            Frantic with concern the maid snatched the piece of silk and ran to the end of the  hall and slid open a panel at  the end of the room the past events were just an introduction  of what  she  was  afraid  was  happening.   Her master, General Hajime Ichijoe sat quietly in  the middle of the tatami  with his back to  her.  Concerned, the  maid ran past  the painted screen to the warrior and  bowed.  When he made no  response, she touched his shoulder in concern to attract his attention. The body collapsed.  A clean, almost surgical, cut  stretched from Ichijoe’s abdomen to  his neck.  Ichijoe slowly  glanced at the pattern on the  black cloth.  It was identical  to the crest at the pommel of the knife embedded in his chest.

            Ichijoe  strained  and  mumbled,  “Iga.”   Then his head snapped  back  and  his  body  went  cold.  The maid’s scream echoed over the castle.

                               *     *                                       *

            Dark and impending,  the shadowy figure  approached.  In his hand rested  the Yoshitomo blade,  naked and gleaming  in the dark.  No sound was made as he stealthily crept  forward. In the silence,  Sachou awoke to  the aura of  evil seemingly created by  his presence.   Making no  outward movement,  she eased her own katana, The Miko, sister sword to the Yoshitomo blade, from its sheath.  The semi-legendary ninja still crept forward.  Closer and closer, his steps were agonizingly slow. His presence was so close that Sachou could feel the heat  of the man’s body.  Yoshimitsu Sachou was already famous for her beauty  and  elegance  as  a  courtesean,  but unknown to the personel of the castle, she too was Kage no Gundan, a  Shadow Warrior,  the  elite  of  the  Daimyo’s  royal  guard.    The Yoshitomo blade rose with intensing fury.  The smell of  fear permeated the room.  Still feigning sleep, Sachou tensed.  As the menacing  blade fell,  the Miko  hissed from  the ground. Sachou  slipped  under  the  assasin’s  blade  and executed a perfect dragon-claw manouver felling  the man.  A dark  stain spread  through  the  groin  area  of  his  kimono.   As   he collapsed, he summoned the last of his strength and flung his blade over the parapets into  the night air.  There, a  group of his  comrades retrieved  the precious  sword.  One started for  Sachou’s  room  vowing  to  avenge  his brother, but the leader of the assasins restrained him and the clan retreated. The element of surprise was gone.

            Sachou knelt on the tatami, bathed in sweat still poised for  a  second  attack. Minutes  passed  and  she sensed no imminent danger.  Slowly she rose.  Only then did she  notice that she clutched her sword  so tight, that her knuckles  had whitened.   She  loosened  her  hold  and  whipped  the blade downwards  to  cleanse  it  of  the blood.  The petite figure shuddered and knelt to  the twitching corpse.  Upon  removing the  grey  cowl,  Sachou  stiffled  a  scream.   Sachou   was transfixed in horror, as  she saw the disfigured  face marred from  forehead  to  chin  with  a  livid purple scar.  On his temple, half hidden  by hair, was  branded five stars  of the Amida Tong, the most despised sect of ninja among the warrior caste.  Their fanatic devotion  to their families and  to the warrior god,  Hachiman, led  them to  many vile  deeds.  Like most  ninja  sects,  they  were  a  family team, their skills passed  from  father  to  son  and on.  However, according to rumor, this  particular group,  though very  skilled and very accomplished, had no code or morals.  This made the sect even more  hated  and  feared  by  the  people.  However, the most horrible  feature  of  this  particular  warrior  was not his heretige, but the  man’s eyes, they  were pallid grey  almost white,  the  kind  that  still  bored  into  you  even   when containing no life.   Sachou started to  shake uncontrollably and tears splashed to the floor.  Voices penetrated the paper walls  and  Sachou  released  her  hold  on  conciousness and collapsed.

            When she had wakened, the first thing she could see  was a glaring light.   Gradually, dim blurs  coelesed and as  the figures grew to  clarity, she saw  the familiar faces  of her friends looking down on her.  Her sensei’s eyes reached  down and grasped her heart giving her the sense of security. She shuddered.   Knowledgeable  fingers  probed  for injury.  The people then set her down  on her futons and she  drifted into fitful sleep.  As she slept, memories from childhood  invaded her  dreams.   Normally  in  a  conscious state she could not remember past  three years  of age,  before the  time she was found crying beside a river seventeen years ago.  Her sensei, Inochiki  Toran,  had  picked  her  up  then, and adopted her thereby indoctrinating  her into  the Iga  sect.  She vaguely remembered blood staining the ground.  Now in the  nightmare, she was being  hurried along, near  the river, by  a woman of great stature,  a Lady  of the  court.  A  man was flashing a sword in and out of a  wave of soldiers to try to  bring them to safety. they seemed to be running, running away.  A stolid man who’s face  was blurred by  the memory, brought  down the lone warrior with  a single stroke  and decapitated the  man. The soldier rose the severed head and turned, yelling without sound.  As he did, he spied the fleeing courtesan and  yelled again to  another warrior,  who leaped  forward.  The  woman, seeing no way out, pushed  the child into the river.   As she fell, she turned and saw the Lady’s knife ripping across  the man’s face as  his sword cleaved  into her chest.   The man’s horribly  lacerated   face  was   familiar.   Too   familiar! Although the  laceration then  had been  fresh in  the dream, there was no doubt as to  the scar it produced.  It had  been her attacker.  She  screamed and woke  with a start,  she was alone in  the dark  drenched in  sweat.  The  smell of  death still lingered in  her nostrils.  The  body had been  removed and the floor cleaned but the russet stain of blood  remained on  the  mat.   For  comfort,  she  reached for her concealed sword.  It was gone.

*    *    *

            Sachou froze  in disbelief  and checked  again.  It  was true, the sword  was missing it  had been a  family heirloom, the  item  that  her  mother  had  strapped to her back while running  before  the  tragedy.   Sachou  searched frantically around the room.  The sword was no where to be found.  Sachou sat heavily in  despair.  She had  lost her only  link to her heritage.  She had lost her father’s sword.

            Where  was  it?   Who  had  it?   Such questions coursed through her brain.  She had to find it.  Yoshimitsu  recalled the recent events after she had fallen and she remembered the sword was still  in her grasp.   The only people  around were her maids, her sensei, the students, and the courtesans.  Who could it have been?  Before  she could even begin to  sort it out, the lady of the  castle entered the chambers and  Sachou automatically knelt and bowed.

            “Lady  Kazumi-sama,”  she  addressed.   The  lady  of the castle returned the bow  and began to speak.   Informally she said,

            “Sachou, I was so worried and I came as soon as I  heard of the assault on your life,(Do have some cha).  How did  you ever  escape?   From  the  body,  he seemed like a formidable opponent, even for my son.”  She gave a sideways glance, “The courtesans say you weren’t alone.”

            “I…I was.  Except…except I  was rescued.”  Sachou quivered under the shrewd glare of the older lady.

            “Rescued?  Hm. By whom?”

            “The…the Shadow Warrior.”

            “Ah!  That was my  favorite childhood story,” being  the Damiyo’s wife she had an inkling that Sachou was connected to the Shadow  Warriors, although  she beleived  that they  were against  the  Damiyo  rather  than  working  for him.  “But a fantasy  nonetheless,  my  child.”

            Enraged  by  the  Lady’s  patronizing  tone, Sachou kept silent.

            “Anyway, dear, come with  me, there is someone  I’d like you to attend to.  She recently arrived from Kyoto and  being of the  willow world,  she isn’t  used to  the harder life we share in the north.”

            Although it hadn’t been  mentioned, Sachou knew to  whom the  Lady  was  refering.   The  whole  castle,  down  to the lowliest toilet  scrubber, knew  that the  famous geisha,  or entertainer Mitsui Atemi, was visiting the desmenes.   Mitsui Atemi was a  lady of extrordinary  beauty and had  gained the recognition of being the youngest geisha to recieve the title of Tayu, or First Lady  of the Willow World.  At  twenty-one, she  was  accomplished  in  all  matters  of entertaining and pleasure  and  was  the  highest  paid  courtesean  for   her services.   It  was  rumored  that  the  Shogun  had paid the equivalent  to  a  hundred  samurai’s  annual incomes for one night of entertainment.

            As they mounted the stairs to the geisha’s room,  Sachou couldn’t  help  worrying  about  her  sword,  but  needed  to concentrate  on  serving  the  famous  lady.   After  a brief interview, the Tayu haughtily accepted Sachou to tend to  her needs and dismissed,  or rather ushered,  her out to  prepare for her performance that night.

*       *       *

            After  his  assignment,  Saburo  had  slipped out of the midnight black  uniform and  sipped a  cup of  sake, or  rice wine,  heated  just  to  perfect  temperature,  and  began to prepare for his attendance  of the Tayu’s performance  in the court that night.  He was disturbed, however, his victim  had been killed before  his arrival, and  it had been  an Iga who had  done  the  job.   Saburo  wondered  who it could be.  It wasn’t a clean job  so it couldn’t be  a master, nor was  the cut exactly  of the  Iga style.   No Iga  would have left his knife in the chest of his victim.  It had been a set-up, only the person who  had done it  didn’t know that  the victim had already been marked  for death.  No  matter what though,  the first phase was complete,  the first of the  conspirators was dead.   As  he  contemplated  the  murder, the silence became deafening and his hackles rose.  Saburo stiffened.  A  shadow had slipped past his wall.  A fraction of a second later, the adjacent wall burst open and a lithe figure, dressed in  grey crashed through.

            Saburo thought quickly,”The  Amida Tong!  They  followed me,  but…but  that’s  impossible!”   He  had  been the best operative, the  perfect assasin,  the Amida  could never have followed him  in a  sense, this  man had  beaten him,  he had discovered Saburo’s identity  and trailed him  unbeknownst to himself.

            Saburo leapt to one side as a sword flashed to where  he had been standing.  In a continuous motion, with the momentum of the  jump, he  slid his  sword from  its scabbard.  Saburo slashed at his opponent and just barely caught the opponent’s hood with  the tip  of his  blade.  The  cloth parted  and he caught  a  flash  of  long  black  hair.  Realizing that this adversary  was  a  girl  startled  him,  and he blundered.  A shuriken, Chinese  star, flew  from her  deft fingers  at the Iga. Sasuke leapt  to dodge but  caught a second  unpredicted one,  in  his  abdomen.   Grasping  his sword, Sasuke escaped through a  trap door  and ran  blindly, only  to fall  into a the garden stream.

            When consiousness returned,  Sasuke recalled the  recent events, he beat himself for making so many mistakes.  He  had attacked  a  girl,  thereby  breaking  Bushido,  submitted to shock,  lost  a  bout,  and  fled  from  the  fray instead of fighting to the death.  He had tarnished the name of the  Iga clan.  He would never be able to return to the sect.

            He groaned and found himself indoors on scented  futons. His wounds had been  tended and treated.  He  looked outdoors and found  it to  be daylight already.  He  looked around the somewhat familiar room and found  that he was in the  women’s quarter.  Embarrassed,  he pushed  aside his  covers to leave but found that  he had been  undressed.  He groaned  and sank back into the futon.

            In a while, the shoji opened and the most beautiful lady he had  ever seen  walked through  the door.   Abashed by his appearance, he self-conciously pulled the covers higher.

            “Its not as if you haven’t seen me before Saburo,”  said Mitsui Atemi coettishly.

            “Atemi!  You’re the Tayu?  It’s been a long time since Kyoto.”

“Indeed it has. You haven’t changed a bit my love.”

            “Ah,  but  you  have.”   Saburo  replied.   He was a bit surprised at her affection for him.  They had been passionate lovers in Kyoto  and would have  been married had  her father not  sell  her  to  the  Geisha  district to pay off gambling debts.  Girls in  Japanese culture were  not as important  as boys as children, because they would not eventually carry  on the family name.  Atemi had been crushed when she found that Saburo  had  married  into  a  nobleman’s  family and gone to Mishima.  You  were a  mere servant  girl when  we last  met, Ka-chan.  But tell me, how did I happen to come here?”

            “My  maids  found  you  in  the  garden  under my window wounded as you were.  They brought you in and we attended  to you.” she replied in a musical voice.

            “We?” He asked.

            “Yes, you were wounded.”


            “If you are worried about it, don’t.  It’s not as though

I haven’t tended to you before.”

            “Ah, Ka-chan, its been a long time.”

            Saburo watched in fascination  as her kimono rustled  to the ground and she `tended’ to him among the futons.

*     *     *

            As  Sachou  walked  down  the  corridor  to the Daimyo’s reception room, she thought  bitterly, “How I hate  him, that filthy beggar!”  Sachou had  closed her mind to  the problems of the sword to become  a perfect courtesan only to  face the present problem of a grimy  bent man of about thirty  who had romped around her ever since she had entered the kitchen that morning.  The  beggar seemed  foolish and  was always begging for food.

            “Oh, please!  Just another cake?  It isn’t so much!” the beggar happily crooned, but at that moment he tripped on  the edge of the railing and brought them both tumbling in a  heap at the bottom of the stairwell.

            With an embarrased huff, Sachou rose and strode into the chamber with the beggar bobbing behind her.  There seated  in the solemn chamber was the Daimyo with full regalia.   Sachou was in  shock, for  next to  Lord, was  the Chamberlin,  whom everyone knew coveted  the castle and  the fief.  Because  of the power struggle, it was  rare for the two rivals  to agree to meet  in the  same castle  much less  a single  room.  The tension in the room  was as taut as  a drawn bow string.   As Yoshimitsu knelt to serve the cha and sake, she observed  the Chamberlin’s swords for the first time.  The nobleman’s right hand rested  upon a  plain laquered  scabbard but  the pommel bore the tang of the Yoshitomo!  Instantly she looked to  the shorter stabbing sword.  Engraved upon the hilt of the blade, was a white dragon interwoven  with a pheonix into the  shape of a  woman, a  female sorceress,  it was  the Miko.   Before Sachou could  say or  do anything,  the Daimyo  spoke to  the beggar hiding behind the young courtesan.

            “Yoshi Sasuke!   What a  surprise!  What  are you  doing back in Otsu?”  inquired the Daimyo.   The General then  also recognized  the  beggar  as  not  a  commoner but as a famous ronin, one of the greatest swordsmen in Japan.  Sachou stared increduously as the crooked man straightened and knelt before the Daimyo.   Two, before  hidden, swords  protruded from the ragged folds of his clothing like two thorns.  Percieving the concealed weapons as a threat to the lord, a young but  burly man leaped from the side, sword drawn.  Kazumi’s son was  the best swordsman in  the castle but  he was too  headstrong and impulsive.  The sword hissed through the air like an adder at the kneeling man, but as  he struck, there was a  sharp click and the sword fell on thin air.  Bewildered, he rose his hand to his head.  His hair rained to his neck, his top knot,  the pride of a samurai, was gone.  Sasuke had cut it.

            He  heared  the  rumbling  of  laughter  behind  him and whirled around.  Yoshi Sasuke  stood there swords once  again asleep in  their scabbards  and holding  his sides  in mirth. The room laughed and  cheered at the incredible  manouver and daring to so insult  the lord’s son.  The  son’s, Hiromatsu’s humiliation  was  colossal.   While  the  Daimyo  praised the ronin,  the  Chamberlin  discreetly  left  the  room.  Daimyo Yoshiteru  instructed  Sachou  to  lead  the  hero to a guest chamber to be bathed  and dressed for dinner.   Much subdued, Sachou led  Sasuke down  the hall  to the  guest room.   When Sachou opened the shoji a voice drawled, “Welcome.”

*      *      *

            From  behind  a  screen,  the  shadowy  figure  of   the Chamberlin addressed Sasuke.

            “Sit down  please.” he  said firmly.   Sasuke looked  at Sachou and shrugged.  Then he  sat down in the middle  of the tatami while Sachou stood contemptously at the door.

            “Yes  you  too  my  dear.”  the  Chamberlin sneered, but Sachou  remained  standing.   Minutes  passed and the silence grew deafening.   Sachou’s legs  were growing  stiff from the tension and inaction.  Sasuke,  however was stretched out  on the floor  was snoring  peacefully, and  the Chaimberlin  sat impassively behind his screen.  Half an hour later, the shoji reopened  and  Inochiki  Toran,  her  sensei;  Kazumi’s  son, Hiromatsu; and three Amida  ninja entered.  Behind them  were the other two conspiring generals.  When all but Sachou  were seated, the Chamberlin spoke again.

            “Welcome, I have gathered you here today because you are the best  swordsmen in  Japan.  Only  one of  you seem  to be missing, the Shadow Warrior himself.  No matter, I present to you a task, no, an opportunity from which you will all become incredibly rich.” he paused,”The  opportunity is a great  one in which  you will  become famous  in history  as the man who assasinated the tyrant, Yoshiteru, Damiyo of Otsu.”

*      *      *

            The room sat in shock at the job set before them.

            “You will be paid 1,000 koku…”continued the Chamberlin but was vehemently interrupted by the old sensei.

            “Traitor!  Pig!  Weanling  of a dog!   Do you expect  to get away with this?” he  cried as his once strong  hands drew his sword  from its  sheath.  Once,  Toran had  been a  great swordsman, but  now the  sword in  his frail  hands seemed to drag just a bit.

            “Get away?  We won’t  need to.  Loyalist, as  always, we have prepared for such an uprising as yours, for some of  you have already  been bought.”  a general  said.  He  nodded and turned the chamberlin his back to the old man.  The three  of the  hated  ninja,  bore  a  fierce  attack  upon the sensei. Although  aged  and  frail,  the  old man still possessed the skill that made him the royal instructor.  Feigning a thrust, he cut the air in a  vicious arc lopping off a hand.   In the same continuous motion he charged the screen.  He was blocked by the other two assasins.  Then, a sword plunged through the old man’s back protruding through his navel.  Inochiki  Toran whirled  around  and  met   the  sweaty  trembling  face   of Hiromatsu.

            “You …  you would  kill your  teacher and  conspire to slay your own  father, the Daimyo?”   He raised his  sword in anguish but the wound’s  pain overtook him and  he collapsed. Hiromatsu backed off in horror and fear.  The other two ninja mercilously   plunged   their   swords   gleefully   into the unconcious man.   The three  murderers turned  to face Sachou and Sasuke, but they were already gone.

*        *        *

            During the skirmish, Sachou  had surged forward to  save her teacher  with her  traditional courtesan’s  dagger.  Upon finishing off the handless ninja, she rose to aid her teacher but  was  pulled  away  by  Sasuke  down  the corridor to the kitchen.  There, Sachou broke away.

            “What are you doing?”, she screamed.  Surprised,  Sasuke fumbled.

            “A battle is no place for a girl so I was saving you…”

            “Look at this  crest!  Does it  look like I  need help?” the Iga crest shone brilliantly off the dagger.

            “Iga?…Oh  hell!”  he  muttered  under  his  breath  an embarrassed silence followed, and  then he said in  a foolish manner, “Wanna  cake?  Just  a sec,  I’ll go  get some.”   He looked  back  at  the  girl  and  shuddered before sheepishly running off towards the pantries.

            Sachou stood in grief and anger then collapsed,  sobbing against the wall.

            “Those   murderers,   they’ll   pay   for   this!   Why? Hiromatsu, why?  You have killed your sensei, may you rot  in hell!” she swore.  After  an hour of incoherent  sobbing and imprecations, she slowly rose and composed herself.

            “I must contact Saburo!  ” she thought not knowing  what had  befallen  him.   She  ran  to  his  room  and found it a shambles.  Afraid  for what  had happened,  Sachou started to panic.

            “What am I going to do?   Where can I go?  ” As  a minor member  of  the  Shadow  Warriors  she  had no idea of how to conact the other members that patrolled the outer area and as far as she  knew, she, her  late sensei, and  Saburo had been the only ones actually inside the castle.

            “The Daimyo can  help me!” she  thought with a  flash of inspiration.  She ran down the corridors, and thought,”All  I need  is  some  proof.”   She  ran  back  to  the site of the killing.  Slamming open the shoji, she met with a shock.  The room was  spotless, no  trace of  the recent  events could be seen, Even the pine picture screen had disappeared.  The coup had been well planned.  Now there was no evidence to link the others with the crime.  Alone in this crisis Sachou vowed  to avenge her sensei.  She strode to the garden where her hakama and arms were kept.

*        *        *

            Atemi  and  Saburo  were,  once  again, passionately in love.  Forgetting her duties  that night Atemi spoke  wildly and  suggested  that  they  run  away  and  get married.  The thought tempted  him but  his giri  forced him  to remain and finish  his  assignment,  but  the  idea  tmpted him.  So, he agreed but reminded her that she had a performance that night and shoud get ready for it.  He hoped to finish his job  that night and free himself for the rest of his life.  Atemi rose and left the room to prepare for the evening.

            “There is  nothing left  for me  here.” thought  Sasuke. The only thing  left is to  redeem my name  in the clan,  and finish my assignment.”   After she had  left, he prepared  to set off on his mission.  Mentally prepared as he was he  felt unhampered by his defeat  amd disgrace and once  again became sure  and  confident.

            His  hackles  rose  again as a shadow flashed by the  wall.  This time,  however, he was  prepared. The Amida followed the  same pattern and, as  before, crashed through the adjacent wall.  There the pattern ended.   Saburo wielded his sword  dextrously and forced  the ninja into  the garden pond.

            Anxious as he was about finishing his mission he did not kill  his  foe.   Saburo  ran  through  the  Daimyo’s  palace insearch of his quarries.  Racing through the fortifications, Saburo quickly dispatched the one of theother generals in his sleep.  He  then moved  down an  all-too-familiar corridor to attack the Chamberlin.  Upon entering the chamber at the  end of the  hall, Saburo  met with  a whole  regiment of samurai. The Chamberlin laughed from the rear of the room.  Using both swords,  Saburo  cut  through  the  wall  of  flesh  like   a whirlwind.  Shurkein  filled the  air and  more samurai fell. The  dead  littered  the  room  likes  so many cans and their remaining comrades fled into the back room with their master. As  Saburo  burst  through  to  confront  them, he met with a contingent   of    Amida   ninja.     Ten   swords    flashed simultaneously, but only one of the assasins stepped forward.

*     *     *

            The opalescent ripples of  foam cascaded over the  rocks streaming  into  the  clear  pool  below.   The   traditional Japanese  pines  stretched  their  arms  over the clearing to frame the crimson  sun above.  A  nightingale broke into  the roar of the  waterfall with the  shrill notes of  a beautiful melody: all nature was in harmony.  A girl of radiant  beauty that  dimmed  the  soft  colors  of  the  courtesan’s kimono, strolled over to the pool of  water with what seemed to be  a bundle of clothes and rods.

            Upon reaching  the waters,  she took  a large  square of black silk and  folded it into  quarters.  The girl  tied her long  flowing  hair  back  and  donned  the  headband.            The patterned cloth of  the kimono rustled  to the ground  with a sound resembling the leaves in the trees.  Sachou slipped  on the black  hakama and  tied on  her sandles  over her leather socks.  After slipping on the flexible arm guards, she lifted a sword from a box.  It was a plain samurai’s sword, but  the blade  of  any  katana  posseses  a sense of perfectness that nothing save love can equal.  Drawing the sword, she gazed on the blue steel and relaxed, listening to the bubbling of  the brook and the song of  the nightingale.  She dozed, at  last, contented.

            The  sound  of  a  woodpecker  rang out and silenced the nightingale’s robust sounds.  A streak of light and the glint of steel  invaded the  harmony of  the garden  with a jarring chord.  By reflex, Sachou was shaken fron her meditations and her  hand  instantly  rose  to  the  hilt  of  her sword. she preformed a flying roll to dodge the stilleto flung at her.

            With  the  rustling  of  leaves  came  an entire band of warriors.   Sachou  leaped  to  the  top  of  the   miniature waterfall and glared  at the men  with the eyes  of a falcon. Calculating  the  odds,  Sachou  turned  to  run up the brook towards  the  castle. However,  in  her  path,  was a largesamurai with a sneering grin on his face.

            “Come on girlie,” he approached, “I just want some fun.” Sachou looked  behind her  at the  ninja and  charged forward sword drawn. Before the  burly samurai  could react, Sachouside-stepped  and  swung  her  sword  into  the  belly of her opponent.  With all the  strength she could muster,  she used the sword and flipped the man onto his back.  Sachou withdrew the  sword  and  plunged  it  into  the man’s chest.  He died instantly.  Try  as she  could, Sachou  could not  remove the sword from  the man’s  body.  The  footsteps of  the pursuers drew near and Yoshimitsu abandoned her weapon.

            Sachou ran  up the  brook with  the speed  of a  gazelle towards the castle.  Upon reaching the interior, she  quickly lost her pursuers in the endless maze of corridors and halls. Alarms abounded  throughout the  castle.  Sachou  then ran to the Daimyo’s chambers to warn him of the up-coming attempt on his  life.   However,  upon  nearing  the  room, she stopped. Guarding the shoji doors  were two large samurai  wearing the crest of the Chamberlin.  Sachou backed away but met with her pursuers.  The ninja called out at Sachou.  The samurai heard and moved in.  Sachou was trapped.  A score of swords flashed in the torchlight and the attackers pressed forward.  Without her katana, Sachou drew  her tanto, or short  stabbing sword. Sachou held her tanto face down pointing the hilt straight at the leader in insult.  The leader of the warriors lowered his blade to eye-level and waited.

            Everyone was still  for what seemed  to be an  eternity. The  torchlight  first  gleamed  off  the  ninja’s sword then rippled along the blade.  Sachou parried the thrust, and with the same continuous motion, fell to her knee spinning  around to sweep the warrior off his feet with her heel.

            As she rose  to finish off  the disarmed man,  the other warriors surged  forward.  Five  swords fell  and five swords were  blocked  by  a  foot  long  strip  of metal, the thread between life and death.  Held in deadlock, it was all  Sachou could do  to hold  off the  impending razors  of death.   The samurai pressed  down with  all their  strength, their blades inching towards her neck.

            Yoshi Sasuke strode down the hall as noble and proud  as any samurai.  Upon turning onto the Daimyo’s corridor, he saw Sachou’s predicament.  With a  sigh, Sasuke reached into  his kimono  and  withdrew  a  handful  of  sticky rice cakes, put a foolish grin  on  his  face,  then  stumbled  down the hall towards the motionless  group.  As Sachou’s  strength started to ebb, she heard a voice.

            “Sachou,  where  are   you?   You  forgot   your  cakes! Sachou?…”  Sasuke yelled.  When Sachou heard his voice, she screamed.  As if startled,  Sasuke fell heavily into  the mob dislodging the many swords.  As he fell, the cakes flew  from his hands each one expertly guided into the upturned faces of the warriors.  With  a quick glance,  he saw that  Sachou was unharmed so he turned to the soldiers and started scolding.

            “Look  at  what  you  made  me  do! You made me drop the lady’s cakes!  What are you going to do about it?” he chided.

            The warriors  recognized the  childish bantering  as the ronin  they  had  all  seen  before  in  the  hall  that day. Remembering his skill, they  bobbed and bowed and  apologized to the stalwart man as they started to back away.

            “Stop!”  he  yelled,”Where  do  you  think you’re going? I’ll teach  you a  lesson in  manners!”  Then  like a drunken man, he crooned to Sachou.

            “This  is  no  place  for  you  …here…you…here” he mumbled as he pushed  her into her original  destination, the Daimyo’s  chambers.    Once  she   was  out   of  sight,  he immediately sobered and drew his sword.

            In the room, Sachou rose  off the floor to kneel  before the Daimyo.

            “My lord,  please excuse  my rudeness.   I have  come to warn you of great danger.  There is a plot in which your life is at stake.” she  said, “But there is  more. Your son is  in league with the conspirators, they  plan to assasinate you to gain your throne, I beg you caution.”

            “My son?  I  cannot believe this  blasphemy!  It is  not possible!  The Chamberlin and I are rivals to be sure, But  I think it highly unlikely that he would try to kill me.  Other than this game of power we are old friends.”

            “Though friends, even  players in a  game may resort  to cheating and deceit  to win if  the stakes are  high enough.” replied Sachou.

            At  that  time,  Sasuke  had  routed his adversaries and dispatched the struggling opposition with ease.  With a swift jerk, he cracked through  a man’s collar-bone like  a brittle twig.  The remmamants of his foe fled down the halls to  save their lives.  Sasuke waited for a moment, hair on end.  Then, with a grin, he crouched and smashed through the shoji to the feet of the Daimyo and in front of Sachou acting as though he were  mortally  wounded.   His  wailing continued for several minutes then  petered away  as the  last echos  of his  cries faded against the walls.

            “If  you  are  finished  Sasuke,  there  is  a much more important matter at hand then trying to gain sympathy from  a pretty girl.” the Daimyo scolded, “My son has been accused of being a traitor, I sincerely hope you have proof of this.”

            “I have no  proof save that  my famous blade,  the Miko, which you gave to my father, was stolen, and now it sits next to the Yoshitomo at the  Chamberlin’s side.  Even if this  is not enough to attest to the treachery, I think I can  safetly say that Sasuke here, can vouch  for me.  That is, if he  has composed  himself.”  she  said  as  she  glared at the sullen ronin.  Sasuke looked at Sachou and winked before turning  to the Daimyo.  Sachou reddened and looked to the ground.

            “I can attest to her integrity my lord,” he said,”I  too have seen your son’s treachery with my own eyes.  It was with his sword that your trusted vassal, Inochiki Toran died.”

            The Daimyo mused, “Toran?…   Hiromatsu told me he  had gone to Kyushu to see his mother.  Hmm. Your story  corelates with  the  dissapearance  of  Inochiki  Toran…  and  it  is possible for the Chamberlin to want the mandate for  himself, however my son still will  recieve the benefit of the  doubt. I will bring him here.”

            At that moment, the  Daimyo’s wife, Lady Kazumi  came in to serve cha.  Her deliberate movements and obvious scorn for Sachou infuriated  the young  courtesan.  The  Empress poured the first cup for the Daimyo, as it was custom to do so.   As he raised the tea bowl to drink, Sachou saw a sneering  smile of Kazumi’s lips.  With a yell of warning, Sachou knocked the tea out of the Daimyo’s hand to the floor.

            “What is the meaning of this !” the Daimyo roared.

            “Look, your majesty!   Your own wife  has also tried  to kill you!”  Sachou returned as  the “tea” burned a hole  into the tatami mat.  Enraged, Kazumi drew her dagger and leapt at the Daimyo.

            “My son  will have  the throne!   You shall  die !”  she screamed  as  she  plunged  the  knife  into the folds of her husband’s  kimono,  and  screamed  in  joy.   However, in her haste, she failed to notice  that she had not penetrated  the Daimyo’s body but only his outer garment.  Sasuke slapped the mistress with the back of his hand to send her sprawling into a  corner  where  she  lay  whimpering.   The Daimyo knelt to comfort the deranged woman  but the front shoji  crashed open to the  lances of  the Chamberlin’s  men.  Sachou  and Sasuke whirled  around  with  their  weapon’s  drawn,  flanking  the Daimyo.  Sachou still bore her  tanto as well as Sasuke’s  in each hand  as she  still had  not recovered  her katana.  The Chamberlin’s men  parted to  let the  other general  into the Daimyo’s room.

            “Nice try Sachou,” he said, ” but you are too late.   As you can see, I have already  gained the aid of all I  need to trample  this   tyrant  into   the  ground.”    Sure  enough, interspersed  in  the  ranks  of  the  Chamberlin’s  men were the emblems of the Daimyo.  The Daimyo drew himself to his full height and spoke.

            “Those who have decided  to rebel against me,  I address you.  It is your choice to make the decision of what is right and wrong, but look to your new master, his record is one  of greed and power ever since he was appointed.  It is true that our  country  is  in  turmoil  and  poverty.  But why?  Is it because of my rule?  No, rather that this dilemma had started when the General challenged my rule and set numerous  attempts at attaining my power.  You  are tool of his latest  attempt. Don’t let him sway you. The choice is yours.”

            Within the ranks of  soldiers, the Daimyo’s men  shifted nervously.  A wave of  murmurs surged through the  mob, their heads twisting this  way and that  glancing at their  friends and comrades to see what  they would do.  The general  sensed the decision and the  forthcoming plant of anarchy  and tried to rally his  men around him.   A nervous soldier  broke from the crowd to  free himself from  the command of  the general, but another samurai stepped edgewise and decapitated the man. At that point  the crowd lost  all restraint and  the carnage began.

*     *     *

            Back  in  the  Chamberlin’s  room,  Saburo confonted the ninja before him.  Obviously the leader, it was the same girl he had  met before.   Saburo dressed  in the  traditional Iga black  and  she  in  the  Amida  grey.  The two leveled their swords and  leapt.  The  initial clash  was not  seen by  the spectators, for  it had  been in  the eyes.   It was known in advance  who  would  lose.   The  Amida’s eyes had a definite flame of hatred while Saburo’s were dulled with the knowledge that this  ninja had  beaten him  before.  Saburo,  realizing this,  had  decided  to  attack.   His  opponent  parried and counter-attacked.  The  cut went  under his  sword and caught below his arm.  As the  Amida readied for the coup  de grace, Saburo delivered his final weapon.

            “Atemi! Why do you seek to kill me?” he demanded.

            Atemi visably  shaken, replied,  “Why shouldn’t  I? You destroyed a part of my life!”

            “Ka-chan, I had no choice,  it is no reason for  murder, you became a geisha,  I had to marry  for my family, I  never stopped loving you.”

            “And I  have never  stopped loving  you either.”  Atemi replied with tears in her eyes.”  But you killed my father!”

            Saburo was stunned, “Your father?”

            Atemi drew herself to  her full height and  proclaimed, “I am Hajime Atemi, daughter of Hajime Ichijoe.”

            “As ninja you must understand  that it was my duty,  not my choice to  kill him, although  I had no  idea that he  was your father.  It is true that I was assigned to kill him, but your father was not killed by me, he was already dying when I found him.I  wondered who  could have  done it,  and the only person is  the Chamberlin.   He is  only one  other person in this room who has been called Iga. Although he was thrown out of the clan for his misconduct.”

            “I…I didn’t know.”

            Atemi spun around and faced the Chamberlin with a gleam in her eyes.  “You  knew he was my  father, you faked an  Iga assasination because you knew that was the only way you could hire me.  You  knew that I  am no Amida  but needed my  help. You bastard!”

            She ran at the Chamberlin with her sword drawn  heedless of  the  other  warriors.   Saburo  watched  in horror as her former teammates  plunged their  swords into  her with  their tips protruding  from her  back.  Saburo  ran to  her as  she collapsed in his arms.

            She winced and softy mumbled,” I realize the pain I have caused you and I hope you will forgive me as I forgive  you.. I…I love you.” her eyes closed and her body grew limp.   In silent torture  Saburo watched  as his  life’s dream  escaped from him  then rose  and turned.   Saburo once  again had the eyes of a falcon burning with hatred.

            Running amok with tears in his eyes, Saburo took all six Amida warriors at once.  In  an upstroke, he split the  chest of the first one wide  open.  Then using the momentum  of the initial  slash,  Saburo  whipped  his  sword in a vicious arc separating a head from  a body.  Then, parrying  all attacks, Saburo flung a  Chinese star into  the head of  the new Amida leader.  The last three ninja  fled down the hall only  to be brought down by arrows shot in rapid succession.

            Slowly, Saburo  walked towards  the Chamberlin,  but the man ran and escaped through the trapdoor.  Saburo followed.

*     *     *

            “It’s a  beautiful day  today isn’t  it Sachou?”  yelled Sasuke grinning to her as he plunged his sword into the belly of a soldier.  Sachou, too occupied with her own adversaries, to find a  witty remark, made  no answer.  Getting  no reply, Sasuke hummed  to himself  as he  brought down  warrior after warrior.   While  Sasuke  controlled  the  main  bulk  of the soldiers,  Sachou  was  pitted  against  Hiromatsu.  In rage, Hiromatsu  struck  at  Sachou,  who  raised  both  knives  in defense.

            “Why can’t  you understand?”  yelled Sachou,”The  General has no intention of giving you the throne!  You are his pawn! Don’t let him…”

            Hiromatsu  covered  his  ears  and yelled back,”No!  You lie!”   He  then  set  to  Sachou  with  a  furious onslaught wounding her.  However, as he thrusted forward to finish  her off, he  was pushed  back by  the Saburo.   He had chased the Chamberlin  to  this  room,  seen  Sachou’s  predicament  and sallied to assist.  Hiromatsu ran forward, sword parallel  to the  ground.   Saburo,  also  charged.   There was a glint of light and the  clash of steel.   Then, the two  were standing backs to each other,  both poised for another  attack.  There was a moment of stillness and Hiromatsu collapsed, split from navel to chin.   As his entrails  spilled to the  ground, his mother, the Lady Kazumi  screamed and surged from  her corner to  hug  the  lifeless  corpse  of  her son to her body.  The Daimyo placed his  hand on his  wife’s shoulder and  together they mourned.   Saburo had  defeated Hiromatsu,  But had  not come out unscathed, his hand  clutched his arm in pain  as he went to tend to  Sachou.  Sachou’s side was  bleeding heavily but she  waved him  away and  went to  help Sasuke defend the Daimyo.  With a loyal band of the lord’s men, they drove  the enemy back.  Saburo then,  using his famous two  sword style, manouvered the men out of the chamber.  As the room  cleared, the Chamberlin, who had been standing against the wall,  drew the Yoshitomo, and lunged at the Daimyo.  Sasuke had seen the move and  rolled in  middair to  block the  swing inches away from the Daimyo’s  neck.  He had  blocked the Yoshitomo,  but his sword was by  far the inferior.  Locked  together, Sasuke held the Yoshitomo  from the Damiyo.   As the Daimyo  and the Lady Kazumi moved away, the Yoshitomo’s perfect edge began to cleave through the strip of pig iron beneath it.

            “You cannot win Sasuke, enforced with opium, my strength is at three-fold and my  sword, which I have killed  to gain, will now kill for me.  They forsake me, but I’ll show them, I AM Iga.” hissed the deranged man.

            Sasuke did not reply for he saw that what the Chamberlin had said was true.  His  sword slowly gave way to  the weight of the man.  Sachou  studied the intense deadlock  and looked for  an  opening. Seeing  her  chance, Sachou ran and leapt between the pair.            As she did,  she grasped the  hilt of theMiko, her father’s sword, which was still tucked in the  sash of the Chamberlin.  The blade slid smoothly from its scabbard and with the  same motion, Sachou  twisted and slit  open the belly  of  the  Chamberlin.            At  that moment, Sasuke’s blade


                                                            *                                  *      *

            To the Daimyo, all this seemed to happen in an  instant. Sasuke seemed  to have  been killed,  and the  Chamberlin had buckled under the weight of the blow.  But when the confusion had  cleared,  Sachou  lay  prostrate  with the blood covered Miko.  Sasuke was  on his back  dazed.  His kimono  was split from neck to crotch, but he was unharmed.  The General rolled on  the  ground,  his  hands  wildly  grasping at his crimson abdomen.

            With wild eyes  he turned to  Sachou and screamed,  “How can you kill your father?!”

            Sachou threw herself around in horror.  “Wha…No!            You lie!  I’m no child of a pig!”

            The Chamberlin belly strained and hissed, “To be sure, I am not your  true father, but  your mother was  my wife!  She was unfaithful  and ran  of with  your real  father, Saburo’s father.  Whom I had killed.  I wanted revenge on Saburo  too, it wasn’t the  way I planned,  but it worked  out better than killing him.  They  disgraced me!  I  had to kill  them.  But the other  Iga wouldn’t  understand.  They  and their  stupid honor system condemned me and threw me out!  I wanted to make them pay, . . . make them pay.”  It took moments to let  what he had said sink in.  The image of the dream coursed  through Sachou’s brain  in perfect  clarity.  There  the man  who had ordered the courtesan’s death was the Chamberlin!  And Saburo her brother?  No wonder he had taken care of her so well!

            “But you killed my father and mother!  If my mother  was your wife,  then how  could you  order her  to die?”  blurted Sachou, in grief.  Again her knuckles whitened on the hilt of her sword.

            “You call yourself Iga, you should know that she had  an affair, she  dishonored me,  she had  to die!”  thundered the dying man.

            “Then this…is your sword?   ” her eyes lowered  to the Miko.

            “No,  its  your  father’s  I  stole  the  Yoshitomo from Saburo, I wanted you to die by your own father’s sword.            The Amida have  done my  bidding as  no Iga  would.” snarled  the Chamberlin.

            “Finish him!” shrilled the Daimyo, but his wife  touched his hand motioned towards the distraught girl, and the Daimyo understood.  The Chamberlin could do nothing anyway.

            “What did you do to my brother? If he is hurt, I’ll…”

            But the  Chamberlin had  already collapsed  face down on the tatami mat.  Still in a kneeling position, he looked  old and frail.   Not unlike  Inochiki Toran.   Despite her anger, Sachou felt a wave of pity sweep through her.  Sasuke came to her side and helped her up.

            “C’mon Sachou,” he said as he carried her up, “Let’s  go look for your brother.

            Sachou stared up into  his eyes and smiled.   “Thank you Sasuke, for everything.”  And as  she rested her head on  his shoulder she looked  down, then closed  her eyes, smiled  and said, “My he really split your kimono didn’t he?”

            Sasuke’s face turned bright red.

*     *     *

            The castle was  searched top to  bottom but no  trace of Saburo could be  found.  Saburo had  snuck out of  the palace and went east towards the sea.  He gazed at the full moon and saw her  face and  in the  wind, he  heard her voice.  Saburo could   live   on but he   could   never forget  Mitsui Atemi-noh-Hajime ,  the ninja.   Saburo knelt  down upon  his steel thorn  and he  and Atemi  were united  once more.            For


            Bushido was complete.
