Curie Turns Five Months

Curie is almost 12 pounds now. Though our next doctor’s appointment is next month, Curie was sent home from child care with some blotchy-ness that turned out to be nothing.

Curie loves the song “That’s Amore” and will smile if you sing it, she also smiles if you blow into her face. She laughs a lot now and makes long days worth it.

Curie has started solid foods with rice cereal, squash, and carrots, she turns over from back to front almost immediately, and has remembered how to turn over from front to back. She has been enjoying her jumper chair, her exer-saucer (thank you everyone, we have gotten so many donations and hand-me-downs), and her toys much more. She is teething one tooth in the back, and puts her tongue on it constantly. She recognizes when you take a tissue to wipe her nose, loves sitting on Albert’s shoulder, and loves the mirror. She is going to crawl any moment now. The big question now is what to do with her hair? Cut? Grow out? Pig-tails, pony-tail, Pebbles-hair?