Curie January 2013

Curie January 2013. I remember when Bernard would get behind in his month updates for the twins and I would get frustrated waiting to read the update, well, now I can relate these days as it is the 13th already and I am only now getting to January. Here is a summary of what happened: Curie stayed up until 1:00 AM for New Year’s. She got two upper molars without too much pain. She talks a lot more, and even more in February. She can make the animal sounds of a cow and a cat, but for dog she simply pants because that is what a girl at school with a dog says when you ask “what does a dog say?” Very cute. She continues to love the guitar (“tar”) and piano, and turns up her hands for “I don’t know?”

She loves the game up and down which she learned in school and anytime she goes up or down she will say so. She learned to say “please” and “thank you” at school, and started climbing and jumping off of furniture. The thing that we found remarkable in January was that she learned to unload the dishwasher including big plates and trays. She hasn’t broken a dish yet. Oh, and she loves to make waffles in the toaster oven.

We went to the botanical gardens, the museum of natural history, went on a nature walk at Huntley Meadows with her first cousin once removed (look it up) Helen (okay don’t look it up Helen is Albert’s cousin), and went to the service day at the art colony (at the reformatory) on MLK Day.

This month’s notable milestone is that Curie got her big girl bed (and full length mirror which is 3 feet tall – and covers a hole in the drywall that Albert made). She has hated her crib since she was an infant. Erin and Albert also got a bigger bed, and we finally put up our photos on the walls using mostly canvas enlargements. Someone commented that the house becomes a home when you put up decorations.

Here is the thought of the month: Writing “my daughter brings me joy” gave Albert more likes on Facebook than most of the photos he has posted. And though Curie is getting a bigger vocabulary, the best conversations are the nonsensical ones that Albert and Curie have for more than 5 minutes at a time.