Curie Turns Six Months!

Curie turns 6 months –  it has been half a year already, and we are not ready for her to grow up so fast. In this month, she learned to sit by herself, then learned to pull herself up to a sitting position, got ready to crawl – rocking back and forth, and began to crawl on her hands and feet. She looks like a little girl, and it almost breaks my heart to see her first pictures so small and frail. . She has bows for her hair, books to read, and toys to play with. The teacher at school says that she has never seen a baby so advanced, and even though she must say that to all the parents, we can’t help but feel proud.

She is well over twelve pounds, she may even be over thirteen, our doctor’s appointment isn’t until the 15th. She outgrew her zero to three month old clothes and is in her three to six month clothes, though they are a little big. She has long feet and is growing out. She is curious and opinionated, tried to take a pacifier from another baby, and a little manic at times. She makes pterodactyl noises, and monkey noises, and baby noises, and laughs when you rub your face on her belly. She is small, feisty, angelic and perfect. When the days are long and wearing, Curie makes the weary go away with a smile and a head resting upon your chest. Happy 6 months, Baby – and thank you.

Curie Turns Five Months

Curie is almost 12 pounds now. Though our next doctor’s appointment is next month, Curie was sent home from child care with some blotchy-ness that turned out to be nothing.

Curie loves the song “That’s Amore” and will smile if you sing it, she also smiles if you blow into her face. She laughs a lot now and makes long days worth it.

Curie has started solid foods with rice cereal, squash, and carrots, she turns over from back to front almost immediately, and has remembered how to turn over from front to back. She has been enjoying her jumper chair, her exer-saucer (thank you everyone, we have gotten so many donations and hand-me-downs), and her toys much more. She is teething one tooth in the back, and puts her tongue on it constantly. She recognizes when you take a tissue to wipe her nose, loves sitting on Albert’s shoulder, and loves the mirror. She is going to crawl any moment now. The big question now is what to do with her hair? Cut? Grow out? Pig-tails, pony-tail, Pebbles-hair?

Curie Turns Four Months!

This month Curie broke the 10 pound mark, somewhere around 10.8 pounds on the Wii though her doctor’s appointment is later on this week.

Erin taught her to blow raspberries, she (Curie, not Erin) says “up-thhh” which sounds like up, so I lift her every time she does it.

She continued her “firsts” with Christmas and New Year’s Eve, and may be teething. Our childcare reports that she can turn over and has started scooting forward. She has t-rex arms so I am afraid she will get rug-burns on her cheeks. She turns all the way around in her crib, and talks a storm. She drools and blows snot bubbles, and is a joy every day.

Curie Turns Three Months!


Curie at three months is almost 10 pounds, going to school (okay, child care), feeds from the bottle and breast (the secret was to feed her when she was asleep for the bottle – child care), has gotten sick (child care) and is a talkative, and smiley little baby.

This month she met her Ah-gong (Albert’s father), Ah-Jiq (Bernard), Ah-Jim (Agnes), and her big
Biao-Jie and little Biao-Jie (Miranda and Eleanor). She went to Niagara Falls (Canadian and United States) and the family went Urban Hiking together for the first time on a Food Crawl in Toronto (though Albert was sick – from Curie – from child care).

Curie turns 2 months!

At two months, Curie is twice her birth weight (if not more) and chubby, rolls over in great anger if forced to, may be teething early, and has learned to get out of a blanket if you throw one over her.

This month she took her first plane ride and saw her great grandparents, switched from preemie diapers to newborn (though it looks like she will skip newborn), went to child care for the first time, and begun to sleep for longer (up to 5 hours).


Happy One Month Birthday, Curie!


So there is some debate whether I should count 28 days, four weeks, for Curie’s one month birthday or do the day of the month. Bernard rightly asserts that it would be too difficult to count 28 days, so October 10th marks Curie’s one month birthday. In the Chen tradition started by Suephy and continued by Bernard, we will take a family picture for the month as well as her daily picture. Below is her one month collage with each picture representing each day. We made the comment that she hasn’t changed that much. 🙂