COVID Year 2

March 13, 2021 Our year started on March 6 when Erin hurt her leg. Thank goodness that she was able to recover from that. But since then we have been at home and managing like everyone else. This is us in our backyard today – grateful for what we have and trying to do our part. In this year, we have cooked every meal at home not been in a store except for our flu shot, written over 70 songs and poems and counting (20 songs, 50 poems), been birding, and worked at staying more than living, but being alive. Be safe everyone, but more, take care of yourselves and each other, even if that means just checking in to see if each other are okay.

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COVID Christmas By curie

Bonnie and her cat Whiskers were helping Bonnie’s Mom and Dad set up for Christmas and Bonnie’s mom  said” It’s time to put the ornaments up” after they put up the ornaments Bonnie says “What if  Santa has the virus?”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           And Bonnie’s mom says “Oh no what if he does I don’t want him in our house’’and then the dad says “I have a solution we should write a letter to Santa”.

So they decided to write a letter to Santa so they all sat down with the tools and started to write this is what they wrote.Santa please don’t come into our house if you have the virus and if you do then please put the presents outside the door. They put the letter on the chimney.

On Christmas Eve when Santa came he saw the letter and respected their wishes so he put the presents outside the garage and on Christmas day Bonnie woke up and woke up her father and they went outside with Whiskers and found the presents.

The end

Watching the News

July 26, 2020, More political therapy

Sitting around in my work underpants,
I found myself doomscrolling and caught in a trance.
I found myself watching the latest press secretary,
I looked for substance but couldn’t find any.

To be fair these days, there’s not a lot to inspire,
When day after day they send vacuous liars,
To deflect and pivot and spin away actions,
With thinly veiled lies to appeal to their factions.

You have to feel sorry for someone in that position,
Who has to make sense with intense precision,
How covering up gaffes and ignorant flubs,
How denying what happened is part of the job.

And somehow were expected to think this is normal,
That covering shit up is somehow honorable.
When damage control becomes your reality,
Sounding like an idiot for someone else is your job security. 

And I listened and watched and had to bear witness,
To this latest mouthpiece of presidential fitness.
It’s what we’ve come to expect, there’s not a lot to see,
We’re stuck looking up someone else’s colonoscopy. 

Crafting July 2020

July 11-12, 2020 This is the product of buying googly eyes, pipe cleaners, construction paper and clothes pins. And what you notice is this: age makes you think inside the box. The dragonfly is Albert’s and very cute, but very… predictable. Look at Elia and Curie’s work when imagination has not yet been reined in by society. Albert did weave the dustpan that Elia asked for help with to match Curie’s broom, but the rest? A bottle family by Elia, her foot staring at us, Curie’s Christmas tree and the sheet of a thousand eyes? Clearly they see better than we do with their imaginations.