Elia turns 3 months!


Elia turns 3 months! When you do a picture a day not having a picture means you can’t make the collage. Albert went to Copenhagen one day before Elia turned three months which meant that we couldn’t get the last picture into the collage until he got back.

We are finding that we are more careful with Elia. Whether that is because we didn’t know better with Curie or that Elia spent so much time in NICU, we don’t really know. If you look back at pictures, Curie was face-forward in the Baby Bjorn at this point, we are just getting Elia into the Baby Bjorn – and it is us not her! She is fully capable, in fact she doesn’t like to be held face in normally, her favorite position is holding her beneath her under arm pits faced forward. Easily a forward-facing Baby-Bjorn position.

This month Elia got eye lashes and eyebrows in earnest and in a picture or two looks like Curie did (we will post one soon that shows this). Where Curie liked to snuggle, she was sparing about giving smiles at three months, Elia likes to move, but smiles all the time. She began playing a game with Albert where she would spit out her pacifier and when Albert would put it back she would smile and spit it out again. At three months, that was pretty amazing, at least for her parents. She also pauses when you say “hungry,” but we don’t know if that is understanding or not.

Suephy, Jared, and Dylan came up to see their cousin and both boys held Elia. At first, Jared was concerned because Elia would cry when he held her, but in reality he held her last when she was tired. By the time they left, Elia slept in Jared’s arms. When we write about Curie, we will tell you the crazy things we did.

This month we also went to the zoo, our friends the Hoaglands gave us a membership this year. Elia had cradle cap, so we put olive oil in her hair to help it. An unintended consequence though is that she smells like old oil by the next day. Elia is putting on weight, went to size 1 diapers and  Cradle cap. Got chubbier. Baby bjorn, zoo, started size 1 diapers. and 0-3 clothes. Elia still is tiny, and looks much younger than she is.

It has gone faster. Maybe that is the reason we are being more careful – to try to relish the time, but it is a blink of an eye in comparison to when we had Curie. It is precisely that we have two kids that make the days go faster. Changing clothes, getting ready for school, baths, meals, the time disappears in the beauty of the domestic day. Sure there are times of frustration and moments of emotion – being on the edge of overwhelmed. There is work, and family, and life and… everything – but that everything is life, and every moment of perspective, challenge, and emotion reminds us to appreciate what we have, feel blessed that we have, and if we take a moment each day to consider, we can relish what is important.
