Elia Contemplative as She Watches TV in the Wee Hours


Another picture that won’t make any collage, but that I like for some reason. After going to bed and falling asleep with Erin, Elia will often wake up when Curie goes up to bed. I  then take her downstairs to watch some TV before she sleeps again.  Again, I love the color interplay in the shot and the seriousness of her concentration with her chin on the cup.

I have been changing all our lights to almost all 5000 to 6500K “daylight” CFL bulbs to complement the lightbox-like effect of the closed translucent white shades we have in the living room in the day time. I had been getting weird colored lighting from the hall and kitchen mixed in, so now those are pretty white too. The only places that still have incandescent (2600K) lighting are the bathroom (Curie says the light there is yellow and I need to fix it), and the chandeliers, which I refuse to pay the premium for LED lights there and instead have neodymium Reveal GE lights at about 2850K. This shot is lit with two CFLs in a standing lamp and the chandelier side-lighting (explaining the warmth in the lighting) and the TV giving the low reflecting light to achieve the faux-Rembrandt lighting effect.

Almost all of my DSLR photography is shot at 85mm wide open at 1.4 handheld. This was aperture priority at a shutter of 1/100. Picture is contrast corrected with a hint of fill but not color corrected and cropped to 5×7 for effect. The movie was Lilo and Stitch on Netflix and the drink Horizon whole milk with added DHA in a Munchkin snap-close sippy cup. Floppy Bunny is a light blue medium sized Peep plush from the Peep store at National Harbor.

Added from Facebook: Not long after this shot she put the sippy cup aside put her head down put her butt in the air a la Marty McFly, and fell asleep.