Crawfish, Boating, Bowling, Friends, and More…

The crawfish were very active, it was like Candace said, it was like “the claw” in Toy Story, every time you came up to them, all of them would raise their claws.

The girls loved it, Elia said “I crawfisher-Belle.” Both of them took their job very seriously fishing out every live crawfish and putting them in pots. They took out ten dead ones, without a flinch.

In the sink to be washed, sorted and ready to cook, cooking, and done.

Sunday we went to Burke Lake after finding out we missed the Tulip Festival this year. You can only have three people in a boat so we took out two and took the ones with motors. Very relaxing, blowing bubbles, having a snack on the water and generally having a good time.

You would think boating was enough but the kids wanted to go “balling,” luckily Nahal and Navi are game for anything.

Misc-more… we had dinner with Isabella and her family on Friday at Chuy’s, saw Bella’s play Get Smart at her middle school, had play dates, made popsicles, saw the Tamanahas, drew pictures (yes, we are drawing My Little Pony with little colored pencils for the girls), and had dinner at A&J’s with Navi and Nahal.