Getting about that time

Okay, some updates:

Everyone is invited to the Rehearsal Dinner and the dress is casual– though we might be in slightly more than casual attire 🙂 . I am thinking button down and sport coat, no tie, I’ll lose the sport coat when eating though, since it is Mongolian barbecue.

Weather forecast as of 10/26 is Friday 54/41, Mostly Sunny, 10% chance of precipitation. Saturday 53/47, Mostly Cloudy, 0% chance of precipitation. HOWEVER, Sunday is supposed to be 60/51, Showers/Wind, 60% chance of precipitation which means a storm is in the area and might go faster or slower. We’ll update as we get closer.

There is an optional brunch the next day. It is a come as you are, everyone pays for themselves affair, completely informal. I know many people who are going to visit friends and won’t make it.

I’ll be posting a list of contact numbers here soon.