Crawfish, Boating, Bowling, Friends, and More…

The crawfish were very active, it was like Candace said, it was like “the claw” in Toy Story, every time you came up to them, all of them would raise their claws.

The girls loved it, Elia said “I crawfisher-Belle.” Both of them took their job very seriously fishing out every live crawfish and putting them in pots. They took out ten dead ones, without a flinch.

In the sink to be washed, sorted and ready to cook, cooking, and done.

Sunday we went to Burke Lake after finding out we missed the Tulip Festival this year. You can only have three people in a boat so we took out two and took the ones with motors. Very relaxing, blowing bubbles, having a snack on the water and generally having a good time.

You would think boating was enough but the kids wanted to go “balling,” luckily Nahal and Navi are game for anything.

Misc-more… we had dinner with Isabella and her family on Friday at Chuy’s, saw Bella’s play Get Smart at her middle school, had play dates, made popsicles, saw the Tamanahas, drew pictures (yes, we are drawing My Little Pony with little colored pencils for the girls), and had dinner at A&J’s with Navi and Nahal.

Kula in Torrance, the new best sushi conveyor belt restaurant


So we loved the now closed DC Union Station Yo! Sushi, a conveyor belt restaurant chain based in the UK so much that we pilgrimaged to NJ to go to the one there but it was not as impressive and seemingly more expensive. We also love Kula in California which is $2.25 for every plate, and as good or even better variety. Well we went to the Torrance location yesterday with Maximillian and were blown away at the remodel.

Let me try to explain the picture, normal sushi conveyor belt but the plate covers pop up out of the way when you pull on the plate. When you are done you put the plate in a slot at your table which adds it up on the iPad/tablet. If you put in 5 plates an ongoing story line plays as a cartoon. If you put in 15, you get a surprise toy dispensed from the machine up above (which Curie loved – Elia was asleep). But ostensibly the coolest part was the second high speed conveyor belt between the normal one and the tablet. You order on the tablet, and the food shows up next to your table, we had to order things just to have them zip up to the table. Julie and Steve, this is by far our favorite seafood restaurant now.

New Orleans with Bernard’s Family

You never know if you can vacation with another family, especially when kids (and protective parents) are involved. Add to this that we are “bottom feeder foodies,” whose vacations are essentially food crawls AND we like to eat across the spectrum from hard to pick shellfish to stranger parts of plants and animals, it is with a bit of trepidation when we go on vacation with others. So it is with great satisfaction that I can say “Success!” to the joint effort between our families in New Orleans (and Slidell). Click the picture to read the whole vacation.


Best Pho in NoVA? Our thoughts as of June 2015


So it should be said that pho is probably Albert’s favorite meal, so much that once when he was sick, Erin didn’t really believe it until he couldn’t finish a bowl. Now, we have had thousands of bowls in hundreds of restaurants all over the world, though we have not been to southeast Asia yet. And, while Albert once tried to compile all the pho restaurants he has ever eaten in with reviews on noodle texture, soup complexity, and temperature, we are not trying that here. In fact, Albert will claim the best pho he has ever eaten is still in Little Saigon at Pho 79 on Hazard, but he hasn’t eaten there in a while. So instead of trying to talk about the best pho in the world, we will only talk about NoVA (Northern Virginia). That being said, Albert will even say that Pho 75 may rival Pho 79, so there is that.

Read the rest and find our ratings here.