Elia Turns 7 Months


Elia turns 7 months. Erin has been holding Elia back. Prior to Elia’s 6 month check-up when the doctor started asking about her milestones, and though Albert had been citing Curie’s timeline, Erin had been professing that Elia was still too young to do many things. The reality was that Erin was saddened that this was the last baby, and we would never have a child this small again. We have this plan that once the kids are old enough to be away, and we were able to do so, we would consider adopting two more.

So in this seventh month, we let Elia eat Baby Mumums, one Cheerio, suck on an orange, and drink water from a bottle and a cup. She even drank the juices from Erin’s watermelon, but she did not like the lime (which Curie loved along with lemons at her age). On the weekend of the Fourth of July, Elia went swimming for the first time – though we did have her in a wet suit and coast guard-approved life jacket. We also took her to her first water park. Finally, Elia moved from her side-sleeper to the play-pen to sleep; it is still next to the bed but she gets a lot more room.

Elia scoots around quite well, but doesn’t crawl yet. She can almost clap her hands, and still puts everything she can into her mouth. You can see in the pictures that she is becoming more alert and aware. And she is such a good baby. We are all sick with the rotavirus at the time of this writing. Curie had it first (lots of throwing up), Albert had it the worst, and now Erin and Elia have it, but Elia takes it in stride with a wan smile even after throwing up.

Curie still calls Elia her best friend and says that she loves her. She tells us when Elia is crying and even insists that we help her before helping herself. Having the two of them is really quite joyous and it will only be a matter of time before they play together (and fight and make up and everything else). Curie says it best when she says, “everybody sit down, we’re a family.”


Elia Turns 6 Months!

Elia turns 6 months! Who knew that birth order had such an impact in raising children? With Curie we had all the time in the world to marvel at her milestones and growth, with Elia, we blink and it is six months, she can roll from back to front, has started teething, can hold an 0-ball, can put her pacifier back in her mouth, loves her exersaucer, is scooting along and has learned to sit (whew!), all in one month. With Curie, Albert would exercise her legs, hold her middle up with a blanket so that she could experience the sensation of crawling to practice, balance her to help her sit (okay everyone said Albert was trying too hard), with Elia, we have to split our attention between the two children while still managing all the other parts of life.

The other day, Jim and Brenda were taking care of Curie (or should I say Curie was playing with Brenda and Jim?), and we had a moment on the bed with just Elia, and Albert remarked, this is what it was like with Curie, and we realized that Elia does not get as much attention as Curie did even though we try otherwise. Then, Albert (a  middle child) had the realization that with a third child, the oldest child can then help with the middle child and the youngest gets more attention. But, we are only having two, so Elia will be the “baby.”

This month we drove up to the Cape for Grampy’s funeral after our flight was canceled and Elia had her first car ride to New England. She did great and had the most sleep of all of us. She was quiet at the service and charmed Marsha when she woke. We went to Ottawa as we said in Curie’s blog entry and Albert let Elia fall off of a low bench at Taylor and Eric’s house which caused quite the scare (Erin did the same with Curie at the same age). All is well though.

Elia is happy and outgoing, she loves to get attention and will cry when left alone. She loves holding things and exploring the feels and textures of what she touches. She has started solids with baby food, though hates rice cereal. She loves bananas, and peas and eats the best while watching TV (don’t we all?). Curie loves her sister and calls her “sweetheart” and “honey” all the time. She smiles when you sing, when you pick her up, when you just enter the room. She lights up when she hears Curie or Erin and lights us up when she smiles.

Yes she is the second of our children, and yes, it is harder to make sure we take a picture a day, and yes, she has to sit a little longer because more than one child is fussy (we include Albert or Erin in this category depending on who is tired – meaning we can have up to four tired children), but that doesn’t change the fact that she is our daughter and we love her every bit as much. And on top of it all she also has Curie who loves her dearly, one more than when Curie was born. Oh and that last picture with the cute dress? Elia pooped on it right after we took her picture. She is in a cute overall today.

BTW people have been saying she looks like Julie, anyone else think so?



Elia Turns 5 Months!


Elia Turns 5 Months! Wow, how can that be? So milestones first: Elia began turning from back to front on the 17th three days before her fifth month. She has begun grabbing at things and sleeps holding the edge of her bassinet. She holds her blanket to her face when she is awake and loves rubbing her face in it. Just today, we gave her the o-ball and she grabbed it immediately (and tossed it). If you hold her by the hands and lift she will get to her feet.

Elia has just started solid foods with rice cereal, but has not taken to it like Curie did; we have not started her on other foods yet. We have yet  to put her in the jumper chair, but she loves the exer-saucer.  Curie seemed ready to crawl at this point, but Elia is on her own schedule enjoying life from day to day; she always wakes up happy in the morning and is always smiling.

Elia recognizes when you come by and definitely prefers Erin when she can see her. Curie can make her laugh and loves to hug her and kiss her. Even when Curie is fussy she will light up when she sees Elia and calls her “my best friend Elia.”  She also has taken to wanting to feed Elia both rice cereal and bottle.

We were so busy waging the war against pink when Curie was young (our theory was that the percentage of leak through would make an acceptable level of pink), that we never really thought about whether people would think that she was a boy. Recently though, people have been assuming that Elia is a boy (wearing many of Curie’s old clothes, which are often blue boy’s clothes) and somehow it is not okay; as a result, we have begun putting bows in her hair and even buying a pink swim/sun suit specifically to indicate that she is a girl.

We took the family for a stay-cation at the Westin at Tysons, even though we normally go to the Sheraton Premiere (the Sheraton Premiere is better, bigger rooms, more amenities, though the Westin had a great brunch). We went to the Taste of Arlington (next year only buy the restaurant challenges), Elia and Curie each gave Erin necklaces for Mother’s Day, and Albert went to Thailand.

Albert has been holding Elia more these days – perhaps because she is more interactive, or perhaps he needs her more now, or perhaps traveling to Thailand was a lot of time away. The idea of baby therapy when you are down is not so crazy; when the work day gets you down or you just need a hug, sitting with a baby for a while all alone is not the worst way to feel better. There is nothing cuter than a smiling baby (except perhaps a smiling toddler), and there is nothing like their unconditional adoration – oh yeah, and Elia pooped in the bathtub the other night, very gross – ah memories.


Elia Turns Four Months!


Elia Turns Four Months! This is the age where she exerts her own personality, is insistent on being held, and has become interactive and adorable.

As stated in the doctor post, Elia is 10 pounds one ounce, 15 inch circumference for her head, and 22.25 inches long. At four months she can roll front to back, can almost roll back to front, clasps her hands together and has a lot of gas. Oh, she is getting cuter every day with long eye lashes and slowly developing eyebrows. Both her eyelashes and eyebrows are lighter than Curie so don’t show up as well.

Her habits are very regular, eating every three hours (NICU schedule), needing a hundred pats to burp, milk coma, then sleeping, then waking crying, then burping or passing gas, getting changed and starting all over again. In the middle of that, there is a baby smiling and full of wonder, taking everything in.

Bernard already posted about their visit, and while Curie and Eleanor hung out, Elia hung out with Bernard and Agnes. We went to Marshfield, MA for some family time as mentioned, and spent the beginning of the month in New Orleans – Elia’s first plane ride. Elia and Brenda bonded in New Orleans, and while Elia didn’t get to try crawfish, we promise we will take her back when she can. She did great on the trip out to New Orleans, but after being constipated for a week decided not to be on the way back. Poor Erin.

Elia is always moving and very strong. She sits on your lap without neck support, only likes to face outward, and is always squirming. She is starting to really take things in, but the best part is how quick she is to laugh and smile.

We seem to be living day by day these days, going through the routine, but she will only be this age now and we have to remember to appreciate and enjoy. It is funny we say that almost every post whether it be for Curie or Elia, but you do get caught up in the happening of the moment and find yourself a little exasperated, a little tired, and a little whatever else that keeps you from relishing the moment. So be it the wonderful quite of a 5 AM feeding, or the warmth of the child sitting against your chest in the Baby Bjorn, it may be when she wakes before mommy or Curie, or if she is curled in the crook of your arm: relish and remember, there is only now, there is only now.


Elia turns 3 months!


Elia turns 3 months! When you do a picture a day not having a picture means you can’t make the collage. Albert went to Copenhagen one day before Elia turned three months which meant that we couldn’t get the last picture into the collage until he got back.

We are finding that we are more careful with Elia. Whether that is because we didn’t know better with Curie or that Elia spent so much time in NICU, we don’t really know. If you look back at pictures, Curie was face-forward in the Baby Bjorn at this point, we are just getting Elia into the Baby Bjorn – and it is us not her! She is fully capable, in fact she doesn’t like to be held face in normally, her favorite position is holding her beneath her under arm pits faced forward. Easily a forward-facing Baby-Bjorn position.

This month Elia got eye lashes and eyebrows in earnest and in a picture or two looks like Curie did (we will post one soon that shows this). Where Curie liked to snuggle, she was sparing about giving smiles at three months, Elia likes to move, but smiles all the time. She began playing a game with Albert where she would spit out her pacifier and when Albert would put it back she would smile and spit it out again. At three months, that was pretty amazing, at least for her parents. She also pauses when you say “hungry,” but we don’t know if that is understanding or not.

Suephy, Jared, and Dylan came up to see their cousin and both boys held Elia. At first, Jared was concerned because Elia would cry when he held her, but in reality he held her last when she was tired. By the time they left, Elia slept in Jared’s arms. When we write about Curie, we will tell you the crazy things we did.

This month we also went to the zoo, our friends the Hoaglands gave us a membership this year. Elia had cradle cap, so we put olive oil in her hair to help it. An unintended consequence though is that she smells like old oil by the next day. Elia is putting on weight, went to size 1 diapers and  Cradle cap. Got chubbier. Baby bjorn, zoo, started size 1 diapers. and 0-3 clothes. Elia still is tiny, and looks much younger than she is.

It has gone faster. Maybe that is the reason we are being more careful – to try to relish the time, but it is a blink of an eye in comparison to when we had Curie. It is precisely that we have two kids that make the days go faster. Changing clothes, getting ready for school, baths, meals, the time disappears in the beauty of the domestic day. Sure there are times of frustration and moments of emotion – being on the edge of overwhelmed. There is work, and family, and life and… everything – but that everything is life, and every moment of perspective, challenge, and emotion reminds us to appreciate what we have, feel blessed that we have, and if we take a moment each day to consider, we can relish what is important.


Elia Turns Two Months!


Elia turns two months. At two months, Elia is 8 pounds 2.4 ounces, has begun to coo, rolls over from front to back, almost rolls over from back to front, and like her sister at two months, has learned to get out of a blanket if you throw one over her. Also like her sister at the same age, she started size one diapers, went to child care for the first time, and has begun to sleep longer. We have begun carrying her in the Baby Bjorn in addition to her stroller.

Elia is just coming into her own. If you look at the pictures, you can practically see it in her eyes. She smiles a lot and loves to be cuddled. She sleeps more than Curie did, but she is also younger at the same age. She will lie on her back unperturbed for long periods of time, she tracks when you hold her, and she has begun to self-soothe with her hand in her mouth (both girls are likely thumb suckers with orthodontic bills in the future).

If it seems that Curie seemed more alert in her pictures, it is because with one child it was easier to capture when she was alert. With Elia, we take the pictures we can and cherish the time we have with each of our kids.

Curie, like her parents, loves to hold Elia, though often in awkward ways, the other day Curie bent over and said “Mommy, I want to give Elia a piggy-back, put her on my back.” This month we all caught colds, and as a baby it takes longer to get over it, so she coughs and has to learn to breathe through her mouth. You would think that with our second baby we would be less at the doctor’s office at a drop of a hat, but we go anyway, including rashes and such, Dr. Dierks, our pediatrician is patient with us and reassures us. Curie has been fascinated with going to the doctor with Elia, though very protective; at the last visit, Curie told us not to take Elia since she was going to get shots.

This month  we visited the Air and Space museum twice, Erin’s parents came to visit, and Albert resumed racquetball; Erin gets ready to return to work and we gear up for a different routine. We get a little more sleep, but the weight of being on all the time does take its toll. The days go really fast and if you don’t take the time to appreciate it, carve the time to be a part of it, remember that this time is fleeting, you will miss too much. With work, obligations, family challenges, and the inexorable push of time, we are learning to appreciate every moment no matter how small and be grateful for what we have.



Happy One Month Birthday, Elia!


Happy One Month Birthday, Elia! 18 days in the NICU make it feel like this is our second week with Elia, not a full month – our due date was January 18th, Elia was born on December 19th.  As recounted in previous posts, the hardest part was seeing her only a couple of hours a day.

Elia was 4 pounds 8 ounces when she was born, and at her month’s doctor’s visit she will be around 6 pounds (5 pounds 14 ounces the week before). Elia has out-grown her preemie clothes and is wearing newborn outfits now. Our favorites are the Mickey and Eeyore ones (the Eeyore has a tail in the back).

Just like with Curie, we are posting monthly collages with every day for the first year – those of you interested can watch Elia grow with us. On our website we include a family picture, on Facebook we collected those at the end of the first year.

Before Elia was born, Albert would joke about the second child – that he would just reuse the pictures of Curie and tell Elia that it was her (actually Peter at Duck Chang started that joke), the reality is Albert has not stopped taking the picture a day – you can call it insanity or dedication (or “insanication”).

(Why does Elia’s collage only have an ultrasound in the beginning? Confession time: when Albert was putting together Curie’s first month collage he forgot the 18th day, he didn’t forget to take it, he just forgot to put it into the collage. You can count it, 32 slots, three taken up by pregnancy test, ultrasound, and monitor; September so 30 days, there had to be a missing picture. So here we have Elia’s, December so 31 days, that means only one free slot, hence just the ultrasound (though we have the other two). Why didn’t Albert ever fix it? If you have ever been to our house, he blew up a 24 x 36 of the collage which hangs in the stairwell, and it would be a lot of work to redo it. Now the truth is known.)

We are out of practice at being new parents, but we try and the sleep deprivation comes back like riding a bike – (wait, we meant parenting comes back). Elia is eating well both from bottle and breast, poops a lot, sleeps a lot, and burps a lot, all part of her job. Elia smiles a lot ,and did so  from the beginning – as early as the second day. There are a few hours of awake time where she loves being on her tummy (we burp her face down on our palm, so she probably associates face down with feeling good). When she is not doing tummy time, she is looking around with wonder at the world or looking into your eyes, sharing time.

It’s 3 AM, Elia has just been fed, Curie is sleeping quietly perpendicular to the bed, you can hear the ice maker in the refrigerator gurgle, lights are low and the baby makes mouth movements as she dreams of eating – a smile passes her lips. Warm baby breathing against your chest, you think to yourself, “I remember this, I remember what this was like.” What is this? This is happiness.

Elia 365 Year 1-001