Curie Turns Three Months!


Curie at three months is almost 10 pounds, going to school (okay, child care), feeds from the bottle and breast (the secret was to feed her when she was asleep for the bottle – child care), has gotten sick (child care) and is a talkative, and smiley little baby.

This month she met her Ah-gong (Albert’s father), Ah-Jiq (Bernard), Ah-Jim (Agnes), and her big
Biao-Jie and little Biao-Jie (Miranda and Eleanor). She went to Niagara Falls (Canadian and United States) and the family went Urban Hiking together for the first time on a Food Crawl in Toronto (though Albert was sick – from Curie – from child care).

Curie turns 2 months!

At two months, Curie is twice her birth weight (if not more) and chubby, rolls over in great anger if forced to, may be teething early, and has learned to get out of a blanket if you throw one over her.

This month she took her first plane ride and saw her great grandparents, switched from preemie diapers to newborn (though it looks like she will skip newborn), went to child care for the first time, and begun to sleep for longer (up to 5 hours).


Curie Smile

So Curie has been smiling for a while, but it is hard to catch in a picture. We were trying on her Halloween costume and this is what we got. It is blurry, but sometimes it is not the technical aspect that makes the picture.

Curie’s Stretch

This is for Erin, Curie has this very long stretch when she wakes up. It is even more cute when you hold her, she leans way back as if she doesn’t know that she could fall, which she doesn’t and we wouldn’t let her, but it is quite the feeling having her in your arms.