Disneyland Castle Made Beautiful

Anyone who has gone to Disneyland after Disney World is usually disappointed by Sleeping Beauty’s castle because it is smaller and older and less impressive than Cinderella’s Castle (note we  have not been to the other Disney properties to compare other castles, but we will get to them). But the other night when walking through Disneyland we saw Sleeping Beauty’s castle in a new light, literally. Here it is adorned with lights to make it look like it is covered in snow and frozen, and for comparison, a night shot of Cinderella’s castle taken a few years back.

Here it is by itself for a closer look:

Miranda’s Drawing

Miranda drew this before dinner at Curry House, Albert is the one with pink eye

At three years old, Elia has the appropriate level of sass, when talking about my pink eye, she spoke up and said, “don’t touch dada’s yucky poo poo eye.” And then proceeded to laugh knowing she told a funny.

Holiday Card 2016

We’ve been using postcard builder since our save the date card in 2007. In 2009 we had a version that was in sepia that was the forerunner of what has become our traditional card, but we have somehow lost the back. Here are our cards from 2010 to this year.

Hoagland Halloween Party 2016


This was the first year that we did not surprise the Hoaglands with our costume and instead coordinated. David and Candace were the inmates for their Hayfield Home for the Criminally Insane theme haunted house this year and we (with the exception of Steve,who is in San Francisco as an intern for YouTube and missed the party for the first time), were the doctors. This year we printed stickers labeled “Staff,” “Sane,” “Insane,” and “Zombie.” Curie initially did not want to wear her costume but ended up having the most fun diagnosing guests and giving them their stickers. like the VIP passes in 2013 everyone started looking for Curie and Erin to get their labels. I am sure people wondered what the labels were for, but it was just for fun. For the record, these were not the kids’ Halloween costumes.

Curie’s Party


Curie’s party from a week ago. Thank you everyone who could attend, we didn’t have emails for everyone. While we couldn’t invite everyone, we did have a good Bright Horizons reunion shebang, Curie also had three friends from West Springfield Elementary, friends for just three days (there were four, but one couldn’t make it) and it was like they had been friends for as long as the others – thanks to their parents for letting them come too! We handed out light sabers and one parent said “oh, I see, have them jump to rile them up, pump them up with sugar, give them swords, and then send them home.” Another parent said “oh, I am so not okay with this!” Great party.