Some Art

Anniversary Moon. Shot hand held and un-cropped with Erin’s Nikon P900. I did color and contrast correct.
Computer generated water color of a nuthatch in our backyard.

Chengineering, September 8, 2019

Curie got a 922 piece Hogwarts Clock Tower for her birthday that we did not want to disturb, so Elia and Albert free built this doll house out of our Lego box.
The inhabitants of the house (other than the Lego Friends laying on the floor and the secret superhero on the side room (left-hand side of the second picture). Okay, so Elia says the Genies are in love and the Bat Family have a little girl. She put the blonde hair on the other genie, and put short legs and the brown hair on the pink Batman.

Stylized Heron Art

Erin’s (top) from 2010 hangs in our living room as a 30 x 40 piece of highbrow art. Albert’s (below) 2019 piece is not so much and will hang as a 4 x 6 piece in the bathroom.