Slow Burn

June 29, 2020 Collaboration with Cy – Speed Metal song

Cy edits and submission July 19, 2020

See it in slow motion,
A lighter and a flame!
A no look toss behind my back
Right into the trash.

Gone is the badge
Gone is the shame!
Gone are all the reports I wrote
Gone in a flash

No job, [Power cords: Bam Bam]
Embrace my inner slob [Power cords: Bam Bam]
Went out to protest yesterday
Ended up part of the mob.
No job, [Power cords: Bam Bam]
Embrace my inner slob [Scream: slob]

I don’t know what to do next
Nothing will be the same
Don’t have a 401 K
But at least I have some cash

I sit in my underwear
I play my video games
My friends don’t call but I don’t care
I’m headed for a crash

Don’t ask, [Bam bam]
Wear the goddamn mask [Bam Bam]
Went {out to} mow the lawn today
Took my neighbor to task [Scream in break: F.U.R.P.]
Don’t ask, [Bam bam]
Wear the goddamn mask!!! [Scream: mask]


I see it in slow motion
I’m bored as hell
I toss the bottle over my back
And hear the breaking glass

I hear the glass just crash
Life’s like an unbearable rash
All I want to do is smash
My ID burns to ash…
I hear the glass just crash
Life’s like an unbearable rash!!!

My ID burns to ash…

shamisen, hamster wheel, fade out

Cy;’s Entry July 19, 2020